Ember Mesh

Stop Embers with FireStorm™ Ember Mesh!

FireStorm™ Ember Mesh protects buildings & infrastructure against ember attacks and radiant heat. Ember attacks account for up to 90% of buildings lost during a wildfire. FireStorm™ Ember mesh stops embers from entering gaps and reflects radiant heat caused by fires.

Dangers of Open Areas

Ember intrusion is a major cause of homes being destroyed in a wildfire, as burning embers can easily enter a home and ignite flammable material that may have accumulated in gutters.

FireStorm™ Ember Mesh plays an important role in reducing the risk of ember intrusion by acting as a shield, keeping embers away from your home. It keeps out hazards such as leaves, pine needles, embers, and pests.

FireStorm™ Ember Mesh

Vulnerable Areas to Use FireStorm™ Ember Mesh

Vulnerable Areas to Use FireStorm™ Ember Mesh

* Can be used in many other applications

Key Features

FireStorm™ Ember Mesh Protects!

Ember Mesh is Easy to Install!

Create a Defensible Space

Creating a defensible space is essential in protecting a building against fire. A Perimeter Ember Fence is another layer in maintaining a defensible space by being a physical barrier against embers.

Great for Retrofitting

Wildfire Ember Mesh

Retrofitting your home with FireStorm™ Ember Mesh is a great way to save money and increase the safety of your home. With FireStorm Ember Mesh wide range of uses, it makes it the go-to solution for retrofitting your home against wildfire!


Your Best Defense

FireStorm™ Ember Mesh range is a versatile product, not a system and therefore can be fully customized to best meet the requirements of customers unique applications.

Check out the FireStorm™ Ember Mesh product specs.

FireStorm™ Ember Mesh Codes & Compliance

FireStorm™ Ember Mesh meets and surpass the tuffest regulations! It’s a Class A Fire Rated Building Product. It satisfies NFPA, Cal Fire, FEMA and IWUIC Code where Mesh is suggested as an application.


Where wildland meets rural these areas are under constant threat of wildfire. Many States building codes require fire resistant building materials to protect people’s homes. FireStorm™ Ember Mesh meets these requirements.

Class A rated material is a material that is able to handle the most extreme temperatures. FireStorm™ Ember Mesh is a great choice for those who want the best in durability.

Chapter 7A compliant building products is a product that has strict regulations set to the standards of ASTM International, and FireStorm™ Ember Mesh meets these standards.


Credit: Compliance badges created at designevo.com

Get a Sample and Learn More!

Learn more about FireStorm™ Ember Mesh by contacting our sales team to get a sample pack and to go over more technical information.